
出生: 1991 年5月11号 | 出生地点: 江西省新余市 | 学校: 上海戏剧学院 | 身高: 181厘米


2010 年, 主演都市偶像剧 《怎么会爱上你2010年,主演都市偶像剧《怎么会爱上你》, 在剧中饰演外表英俊,风度翩翩得豪门少爷夏誉希, 这时他个人首部电视剧作品,从而进入演艺圈. 11月, 获得东方卫视综艺节目《家有好男儿》周冠军。 2011年,主演百事集团出品得微电影 《爱缤纷》, 在片中饰演外表帅气的校草邹翔。 2021 年 3 月, 出演由韦正导演的微电影 《为渴望而创》, 在片中饰演大学毕业待业的青年阿乐。 2013年, 签约于正工作室, 与孙耀琦搭档,共同主演网剧《我为宫狂》, 在剧中饰演来故宫博物院实习的历史系学生小浩。 2014年4月, 参演由陆毅,袁姗姗主演得古装剧《宫锁连城》, 在剧中饰演容貌俊朗,气质温润得太医孙合礼。 同年9月, 在金世佳,杨蓉联合主演得古装剧《美人制造》中饰演风流倜傥,心思紧密得太医裴云天。 同年12月, 与邓莎共同主演网剧 《我为宫狂2》, 在剧中饰演个性沉稳内敛得汉朝太子宫浩。

2015年, 担任深圳卫视真人秀节目《中韩梦之队》的长期嘉宾; 10月, 出演由李慧珠知道的古装剧《班淑传奇》, 在剧中饰演个性高傲小有名气的武将卫英, 还为该剧演唱了主题曲 《惊鸿》。 2016年, 拍摄由曹骏华执导的网络剧《动漫英雄》, 在剧中饰演对现实逆来顺受,任职广告公司的文案张伟 ;6月20日, 其主演的谍战剧《解密》播出, 在剧中饰演冷酷的神枪手韩冰; 6月30日, 与李一桐共同主演的玄幻剧《半妖倾城》 播出,在剧中饰演温文儒雅,用情专一的富家公子明夏; 12月, 主演的玄幻剧《半妖倾城2》播出。

2017年, 与黎一萱合作拍摄都市偶像剧《一见不倾心》。同年2月,在陈晓,袁姗姗主演的都市情感剧《云巅之上》中饰演才华横溢的人气歌手柯洛。同年9月, 获得2017年第二届超级企鹅篮球名人赛MVP桂冠。 因此被邀请到美国录制了腾讯的综艺节目《打不好请指教》。后来成为NBA 揭幕赛首位受邀华人,并担任嘉宾主持。 同年还出演了古装神话剧《朝歌》, 在剧中饰演文武双全的西岐王子姬发。 2018年6月, 与鞠婧祎共同主演的古装剧《芸汐传》播出,在剧中饰演个性沉稳内敛,足智多谋的秦王龙非夜。2019年8月,在黄晓明,杜江主演的电影《烈火英雄》中饰演日常训练中表现懒散,当队友遇到危险时扛着水枪坚持到最后的消防战士郑志。 同年十月,参加导演选角真人秀《演员请就位》并获最受观众认可演员荣誉。

2020年2月16日, 与章若楠搭档,联合主演网剧《谁都渴望遇见你》播出,在剧中饰演工作繁忙的五星级总理张泯。10月21日,与鞠婧祎共同主演的古装剧《如意芳菲》播出, 在剧中饰演肃王徐晋。 同年11月,领衔主演的刑侦题材电视剧《复古神探》在重庆开机。2021年2月22日,武侠剧《山河令》开播, 让张哲瀚扮演的周子舒一夜之间成为家喻户晓的名字。山河令在海外也获得成功。4月在日本韩国开播。5月在网飞点播。张哲瀚与搭档龚俊变成2021年上半年炙手可热的青年男演员。


2016年6月, 代表电视剧《半妖倾城》剧组发起V基金公益模式, 希望更多人士关注留守儿童安全。 2017年, 参与凯德和喜马拉雅FM在线发起的 ”和爱豆一起去圆留守宝贝的梦”公益活动。 2020年2月,为江西省新余市红十字会捐款10万为抗疫做贡献。 2021年7月,为郑州抗洪捐款100万。


张哲瀚外表俊朗帅气,拥有模特般的身材比例和健硕的肌肉,享有“上戏校草”,“肌肉美男”的美誉。 无论时主演电影电视剧,海誓《中韩梦之队》等真人秀节目,张哲瀚给观众朋友留下的印象都是男友力爆棚的纯爷们。 他唱功功底扎实,其音色明亮纯净有穿透力,不需要过多后期制作,也能让整首歌的风格凸显出来。 (新浪网,新华网,网易网评)。 张哲瀚属于极具运动员潜力的明星之一,他拥有超强的体能和极佳的弹跳力,个性乐观开朗。在片场拍戏时,兢兢业业,凡是亲力亲为。 在电视剧《云巅之上》里, 外表阳光帅气的他把柯洛没有阶级观念,正义感十足的个性诠释地精准到位,对于角色的领悟力很强 (网易网,新浪网评)。
2021年8月13日凌晨,网民发出张哲瀚2018年3月在靖国神社旁边的斋馆面前赏樱的旧照片,还有2019年在乃木神社参加日本朋友的婚礼的照片。 靖国神社是一个十分具有争议的地方,里面供奉许多二战侵华的甲级战犯。 乃木神社供奉的是一个侵华的陆军统帅,同时该神社也是日本知名的婚宴场地。 同时也有网民贴出张哲瀚几年前发过的带着旭日旗的组装车,尽管几年前被提醒不适他已经删掉并道歉。别的诋毁照片包括他在银川美人鱼雕像前拍的‘捏乳’照,坐在苏小小坟上的拍照,2018年国庆节在日本发instagram的截屏,上面有用日语拼中国的词条 (Chaina).
照片晒出的当日在中国网络平台微博上(中国的推特)引起喧哗。张哲瀚马上发道歉声明,说为自己曾经的失察和无知,造成伤害了很多国人的感情而道歉。他强调他不精日,他很爱国。他明白作为公众人物,更应该了解历史的伤痛,并承诺以后会努力学习历史文化,变成更有只是和自律的演员。 然而道歉声明并没有被接受。很快官方媒体人民日报发表: 这道歉, 是为自己无知买单,也是为冒犯国人情感而寻求宽宥。身为公众人物,对历史常识如此匮乏,对民族苦难浑然不觉,太不应该。事关民族大义,不容任何试探,更不容有任何挑战。若明知故犯,就得付出沉重代价。 很快,张哲瀚代言的26个品牌纷纷与他解约。所有他参加的综艺和影视与他停止合作。
中国演出行业协会,一个非政府组织对张哲瀚进行从业抵制。8月14日,张哲瀚个人与工作室微博被禁言。8月15日,个人,工作室微博被封号,超话关闭,抖音账号被封号。8月16日,QQ音乐与网易音乐下架张哲瀚歌曲。8月21日,所有平台 (B站,优酷,乐视,爱奇艺,腾讯,芒果电视等)自行下架张哲瀚所有影视作品。
几天以后,陆陆续续很多事情的真相开始流露到网上。8月13日到8月15日关于张哲瀚的所有消息均为谣言。细节记录在本网站2021-8-13Events (事件)和2021-8-13Truth (真相)页面。

Zhang ZheHan

Born: May 11, 1991 | Hometown: Jianagxi, Xinyu | Alma mater: Shanghai Theatre Academy | Height: 181cm

In 2010, Zhang made debut in acting with the romance drama Why Love You. Soon after, he became an actor in Yu Zheng's studio. He played the leading role in comedy web series Crazy for Palace and its sequel. In the years after, Zhang played the supporting role in multiple ancient dramas made by Yu Zheng including Palace 3: The Lost Daughter, The Romance of the Condor Heroes, and Love Yunge from the Desert. In 2014, he gained some recognition in playing the antagonist role in Cosmetology High. In the same year, he portrayed the role of young Lin Shu (Mei Changsu) in the highly acclaimed historical drama Nirvana in Fire.
In 2015, Zhang played the leading male role in the historical drama Legend of Ban Shu. In the same year he played in spy drama Decoded and both seasons of fantasy series Demon Girl. In 2018, Zhang played the leading male role in Legend of Yunxi with Ju Jingyi. The series got many praises and recognition. In 2019, he played a supporting character in the movie The Bravest. In the same year, he went on reality show Actors Please Take Your Place. He worked with Wang Sen and put on a short film Brother, which earned him the award of Most Recognized Actor by Audience.
In 2020, Zhang played in a modern drama series produced by Zhao Wei Everybody Wants to Meet You, as well as historical drama series The Blooms at Ruyi Pavilion alongside with JuJingyi.
In 2021, Zhang and Gong Jun starred in ancient drama series Word of Honor, which aired in China at the end of February. His role of Zhou Zisou made him almost an overnight sensation in China. Word of Honor became the most watched show in China in the first half of 2021. Word of Honor also gained international popularity as it was was aired in Korea and Japan in April 2021, and became available on Netflix in May 2021.
Zhang is a well known basketball star in the Chinese entertainment field. In 2015, he participated in variety show Lets Go! Dream Team Season 2. In 2016, he participated in Amazing Race China and got praises from Olympic Champion Liu Xiang who recommended him to participate in the variety show Beat the Champions in 2017. Also in 2017, he participated in the Tencent Star Basketball Competition, achieved 34 points and was awarded the Most Valuable Player of the game. Afterwards he went with Tencent to record the basketball based variety show Please Advise If I Can't Play Well. He also became the first Chinese whos was invited by NBA to an Opener Game and acted as a guest host。
On the early morning of August 13, 2021, photos surfaced online of Zhang posing in front of cherry blossom trees at Tokyo's Yasukuni Shrine premise in March 2018 as well as attending a wedding held at Nogi Shrine in 2019. Yasukuni Shrine is a controversial place that honors many Japanese class A war criminals from Second Ward World with China. Nogi Shrine honors a military officer also involved in invasion of China in the 1930s. It is also a extremely popular wedding venue in Japan. At the same time, other photos about Zhang continue to be leaked online including a modified car with a Rising Sun Flag emblem, though he did previously delete and apologized in 2018 after being told inappropriate, a photo of Mermaid Statue in YinChuan where Zhang was posing holding its nipples, a photo of Zhang sitting on the tombstone of ancient character Su Xiaoxiao, and a supposed 2018 Oct 1st instagram post of Zhang where he was posting pictures of himself in Japan and used the hashtag #Chaina.
These pictures caused an uproar on social media platform Weibo (Chinese version of Twitter). Very soon after, Zhang issued an apology letter stating that he is ashamed of his once ignorant self, lack of research and misconduct. He was deeply apologetic for hurting Chinese people's feelings. He emphasized that he is not pro-Japan, he loves his motherland and he is proud to be a Chinese citizen. He acknowledges that as a public figure, he should always keep in mind the suffering of Chinese people throughout history. He vows to learn more about history and culture in the future in order to enrich himself and allow him to be a better actor.
However, the Chinese society did not accept the issued apology. In response, Chinese News agency People's Daily stated : this apology is a bill for your own ignorance and plea for understanding from fellow Chinese citizens. But as a public figure, a lack of historical knowledge and suffering of the nation is absolutely unacceptable. If it was done on purpose, there must be a heavy price to pay. Almost immediately, all 26 of his commercial endorsements ended their contracts with him. All variety shows and TV series cut ties with him.
The China Association of Performing Arts (CAPA), an NGO made up of voluntary members from the performance arts community, called for entertainment boycott on Zhang. On Aug ust14, Weibo blocked posting abilities from his personal and studio accounts. On August 15, his personal and studio Weibo accounts are shut down, as well as his Super Topic group. On August 16, QQ Music and Netease Music removed his songs. On August 21, all Chinese video streaming platforms including Bilibili, Youku, LeTV, iQiyi, Tencent, MangoTV etc voluntarily removed all of his work.
Soon after, truths about Zhang Zhehan appeared on the internet. It turned out all the information released about him during Aug 13 to 15 were pure rumors initiated by competitors. Details about the event are listed in the 2021-8-13 Events and 2021-8-13 Truth pages on this website.

影视作品 Filmography

电影 Film
电视 TV Series
综艺 Variety Shows

音乐作品 Music

专辑 Album
单曲 Singles
演唱会 Concerts
奖项 Awards